Choosing a BJJ Gi

A BJJ Gi is the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu uniform. The Gi’s main function is to train and practice the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu sport. In Brazil, the BJJ Gi is sometimes referred to as the kimono.

Choosing a BJJ Gi is a matter of personal taste. There are many brands and types of gis out there. However, there are certain factors that should be considered when buying a gi. These include weave, weight, and colors.

Weight is a very important factor when choosing a BJJ Gi. Generally, lighter gis are preferred because they are easier to grip. This is because a heavier Gi will make it harder to grab an opponent. Similarly, a heavier Gi will also tire out faster.

Weave is another factor that will impact the durability of a BJJ Gi. Most Jiu-Jitsu Gis today are made of pearl weave. Pearl weaves are usually considered to be a good compromise between weight and durability. Although the Gi’s fabric is very thin, it is still a very durable material. It is one of the most commonly used weave patterns.

If you’re looking for a premium BJJ Gi, then look no further than “The One” KINGZ Gi. The Gi features triple stitching, a 400 GSM High-Tech Pearl Weave jacket, and a synthetic heat-resistant vulcanized rubber lapel insert. The Gi also comes with 10 oz cotton tapered pants and double knee padding.

Another gi brand that is gaining recognition in the BJJ community is Venum. It was launched by Franck Dupuis in 2004. He wanted to create a brand that would stand out from the crowd. After a few years, the Venum BJJ Gi has become a popular choice among MMA fighters. The Venum BJJ Gi is available in a range of sizes from A1 to A6.

As with any piece of clothing, a Gi must be worn with care. For instance, if it begins to develop an odor, then it should be replaced. Likewise, if you see tears in the fabric, then it should be repaired. Some people like to sew up rips in the Gi’s fabric to prolong its use.

Colors are a big factor when choosing a Gi. Many prefer to use colors outside of the traditional white. Also, some jurisdictions allow a single solid color. However, this isn’t always the case. You can find BJJ Gis in a wide range of colors, including black, pink, blue, and white.

Lastly, if you’re traveling, then a lightweight Gi is ideal. Tatami Fightware’s Gi is extremely light and thin. Perfect for traveling and training in hot climates. Moreover, the BJJ Gi Gi is IBJJF-approved.

There’s no one right choice for every athlete. However, you can use these tips as a starting point. Whether you choose to go with the Venum BJJ Gi, the Tatami Nova Absolute Gi, or the Atama Classic BJJ Gi, you’ll be sure to enjoy your experience on the mats.

When you’re shopping for a BJJ Gi, you should keep in mind that there are many different types of weaves. Each weave pattern can affect how long the Gi will last, how easy it is to grip, and whether or not the gi will be durable enough.