Finding the Best Chicken Names

The best chicken names are those that are chosen with affection. There is a great deal of meaning to the names of chickens and other animals. In our day and age of commercialism and mass production, it is hard to find real, individual names. However, if you go to, you should be able to come up with some really good choices.

Best Chicken Names to Choose for your Flock

If you have ever had a chicken and watched it attack a small mouse, then you will know what I am talking about when I say that the sound of the chicken’s wings is like the muffs of mortar in that moment. You can hear the individual toes hitting each other and then the body hitting the floor. Chickens have a special way of communicating, which is why you need to come up with the best chicken names for your flock. Let me help you with some suggestions.

There is a chicken called Tuna. He is a very large, fat little chicken that likes to take up almost all of the living room space in the back yard. His regular meal is a quality chicken salad, but he will eat anything that you feed him. The best name for him is Uncle Fuzzy.

Another fine chicken is named Buzz. This is a male poultry that has a bright, happy sound that he makes when he is excited or even sad. When he is sad, he cries and the other chickens around him can hear him. Therefore, Buzz is one to be avoided when around young children.

If you have a male chicken that comes down the pike on a fellow chicken, call him Pike. Pike is a gentle, beautiful sound that will bring a smile to your face. It is also very short, so calling him Pikes is not a problem. Pike is a male turkey that has developed a liking for fishing. Call him Pogey if you like fish.

Some breeds of chickens have a much easier time with their common name calls. This can be a good way to start out with a chicken name. The coon calls, for example, are a short high pitched sound that only occurs once or twice per year. A great example of this is the ruffle chicken named Ruffle.

Macaw is another great example. Macaw is a high pitched sound that only happens once or twice per year. Call your chicken Macaw if you would like to call her an angry bird. Raccoon is another one that makes really high cooing calls and has a very friendly personality.

Of course, it really comes down to what you think your chicken names will be. You can use your imagination to come up with some really cool names. I am always amazed at how people come up with weird names that make me ask them how they came up with them. The best thing is that most of the ones I have heard as names for my chickens were really funny and creative. Which ever chicken names you decide on, be sure to give it a lot of thought and consideration before you actually go out and do it.

You could also just go out and pick a random name. This is probably the easiest way to go about it. I am sure there are some that would come up when you were flipping through a list of names. It really comes down to which ones you think are cool or would fit in with your personality. Some of the names that have stuck around for a long time are okay, but others may seem a little out of place. Just keep in mind that your chickens will come up with some great names that you may not have thought of otherwise.

If your chickens are growing really fast, I would recommend calling them Quackers. I have two chickens that come up with these calls, and I really enjoy teaching them these calls. You could do something similar by training your cockatoo or some other type of bird to make some similar calls.

There are a few more that I would suggest for names for your chicken. Anybody that loves the outdoors should consider calling their chicken Woodpeckers. They love to eat wood, and when they come back from eating, they are very talkative. My other two chickens that come up with these great names are named Honey and Peek-A-BOOT. You can also take any type of bird that really likes to be outside and make calls.